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Yes Bank AEPS
Yes Bank AEPS
Yes Bank AEPS

Yes Bank AEPS

We are Yes Bank AEPS services Provider :

Yes Bank AEPS, AEPS API, AEPS White Label, AEPS Super Distributor, AEPS Distributor, Bank AEPS CSP, BC/AEPS Retailer

The most developer friendly APIs for fund transfers and banking.

Always get the best price on fund transfers through our intelligent transaction routing.

Best success rate. Built to handle scale. Zero documentation. Cheapest pricing. Simple integration

  • Yes Bank micro-ATM , in partnership with Yes Bank Ltd., enables customers to perform basic banking transactions on his/her Aadhaar-linked bank account using Aadhaar authentication as the identifier.

    The basic banking transactions are outlined below:

    1. Balance Inquiry
    2. Cash withdrawal
    3. Cash deposit
  • Requirements to do AePS Transactions

    To do an AePS transition Agent must have a login of AePS, laptop / desktop or smart phone and a Biometric machine.

  • Which biometric device supports by Yes Bank AePS?

    Mantra, MORPHO, secugen , Persona , Smartek

  • How can I download biometric device drivers for AEPS?

    On Menu Click on Biometric derivers. New page will open with instructions to download Biometric drivers for Mantra & Morpho.

  • हम आपको दे रहे एक पोर्टल के साथ दूसरा पोर्टल बिल्कुल फ्री

    *मुख्य सेवाए :-*

    1. Cash Withdrawal (आधार No से किसी भी बैंक खाते से)

    2.Cash Deposit (आधार No से किसी भी बैंक खाते में जमा )

    3. Balance Enquiry (आधार No से किसी भी बैंक खाते की जाच )

    4. मनी ट्रांसफर (कमीशन 2%)

    5. Mobile & DTH रिचार्ज (कमीशन 2%)

    कमीशन:- यह आपके खाते में किसी भी सेवा को काम में लेने के बाद हाथो हाथ कमीशन जमा हो जायेगा |

Yes Bank AEPS

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